Quantum Monte Carlo many-body methods: introduction and recent progress

seminar by prof. Lubos Mitas / North Carolina State University July 15, 2019 at 10:30 in SA1A1 (P1) lecture hall, Institute of Physics, Park Angelinum 9, Košice I will present a short introduction into the electronic structure quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) based on sampling of particles coordinates. These methods typically employ fixed-node approximations to deal with the fermion signs. I will show  examples of current…

SI base units redefinition

A redefinition of SI base units is scheduled to come into force on 20 May 2019. The kilogram, ampere, kelvin, and mole will then be defined by setting exact numerical values for the Planck constant (h), the elementary electric charge (e), the Boltzmann constant (k), and the Avogadro constant (NA), respectively. Read more wikipedia Nature 550, 313 (2017) PhysicsWorld — SI gets a makeover The…

ŠVK 2019

V sekcii Teoretická fyzika a astrofyzika v tomto roku súťažili: Róbert Kožurko (2.r. Fb) – Porovnanie presnosti vesmírnych a pozemských pozorovaní tranzitov exoplanét Matej Kecer (3.r. Fb) – Zmeny periód zákrytových dvojhviezd BD And a CL Aur Dominika Švecová (3.r. Fb) – Porovnanie “backward” a “forward” stochastických metód pre určenie modulácie kozmického žiarenia v heliosfére Maroš Jevočin (1.r. TFAm) – Teoretické štúdium vplyvu vápenatých iónov…