Researchers have created a material that acts as a magnetic diode, transferring magnetism from one object to another but not the other way around. An electric current flowing through a coil of copper wire induces a magnetic field in the coil. This magnetic field can then transfer to a nearby magnetic object, such as a second coil of wire. The laws of electromagnetism, and experimental…
Effects of higher-order exchange interactions in classical XY model
A standard two-dimensional (2D) XY model is well known to show a topological Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase transition with the quasi-long-range-order (QLRO) BKT phase characterized by an algebraically decaying correlation function. It will be shown by spin-wave theory and Monte Carlo simulations that including higher-order terms can lead to dramatic changes in its critical behavior, including phase transition order or universality class and even the phase…
Veda a technika na Slovensku
Vážená pani / Vážený pán, dovoľujeme si Vás pozvať na Národnú konferenciu Veda a technika na Slovensku a v medzinárodnom výskumnom a vzdelávacom priestore Smerovanie ku kvalite a vedomostiam ktorá sa bude konať dňa 8. novembra 2018 v Incheba Expo Bratislava, Hala B0, Bratislava. Konferencia je organizovaná Ministerstvom školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR a je jedným z kľúčových podujatí realizovaných v rámci Týždňa vedy a techniky na Slovensku 2018.…
Zriedené feromagnetiká v teórii efektívneho poľa
prednášajúci: Andrej Bobák téma: Zriedené feromagnetiká v teórii efektívneho poľa charakter seminára: pracovný dátum: 25.10. čas: od 10:30 rozsah: cca. 45 min